Wednesday, July 4, 2007

happy 4th

this year is 1/2 over time to get going on fall and winter projects

these are some pictures I love and put some in flickr and wanted to share here. we painted these windows at a local business and it went over so well. The kids loved it, and lasted from late Sept to Thanksgiving the Halloween pictures were wiped away and and plain fall was added. It is easy enough if you want to try ....just practice painting pumpkins on news paper it's a nice large surface, start with circles and ovals in orange, and and make the pumpkin sections, it helps if you have a picture I find children's coloring books helpful, add the stem I use yellow and add brown once I like the shape and the corn stalks I use a foam brush to get the basic shape in yellow ocher and use a smaller craft paintbrush to get the stalk look and a even smaller one to add the small details, I use a good temper with a few drops of dish soap or comet powder cleanser, to aid when it's time to whip it off . just use hot water and old towels and a little elbow grease, each time you do it you build confidence and get a little better and want to try something more like the tree, before you know it you will be painting murals. don't be afraid give it a try.

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